You might have heard this controversial story in medical circles that the COVID vaccine is allegedly responsible for people just dying from cardiac arrest, young and old.
Then mybe COVID_19 was more of a cardiovascular disease than respiratory disease; to mean more symptoms were cardiovascular related than repiratory related. Anyway truth or not vaccinated or not, I think we should be running more blood test D_dimer test to be specific just to rule out blood clots that could help save more lives because if there is a risk for clot, then one can take blood thinners ( anticoagulant). That was a deduce from Joy a nurse at MTRH.
The controversy is not just about cardiac arrest. There have been rare cases of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) following the Moderna and (even more rarely) Pfizer vaccines. Myocarditis has also been listed as a rare possible side effect of the Novavax vaccine, after a very small number of cases were reported during clinical trials. The World Health Organisation has reviewed data from 744,235 doses of the Novavax vaccine given in Australia, Canada, the European Union, New Zealand, and South Korea up until 30 April 2022. Amongst these recipients, there were four reports of myocarditis, 29 reports of pericarditis, and two reports of myopericarditis. More recent data from Australia (until 21 August 2022) showed seven cases of myocarditis and 26 cases of probable pericarditis after 209,000 doses of the Novavax Covid vaccine.
Serious cases of myocarditis after the vaccine so far have been exceptionally rare, although more research is being carried out into the long-term effects.
COVID 19 has not just been controversial in the health sector alone. The controversy has even been more intense in the economic and business world. However, weather COVID-19 was an economically engineered strategy or not, it affected every individual and every business. There has been great recovery strategies not just for strengthening human immune to prevent resurgence but also great economical strategies to help business institutions and world economy to recover from the economical crisis caused by the pandemic. Also there has been great measures put in place for future response or let’s call it “The Economy’s Vaccine “ in case there happens such an economic atmosphere in future.

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